Thursday, October 27, 2011

Speak with everyone!

Last week, my husband and I went to eat with my dad and brother at a Mexican restaurant.
My husband served his mission in Tijuana, Mexico and LOVES the culture.
As we enjoy ourselves and eat at the restaurant in Provo, UT... a question comes to my mind (notice that a way for the spirit to help us help others is by bringing questions to our minds. A lot of the time.. those questions are exactly what we need to ask in order to help others effectively. Don't be afraid to ask the questions that come to your mind)

.."are these people members?"
(The family who own and run the restaurant).

So.. I decided to OPEN MY MOUTH and ask. I compliment the food and say how delicious it is. I also asked the owner/cook/grandmother what it was that brought her and her family to the United States, and then end up in Utah.
She then begins to tell me more about herself and her family.

Then the question we've all been waiting for.."are you all members?"
She then tells me how she and her husband are less-active and the rest of her family are not.

David (my husband, we just got married last Saturday) and I got excited and decided we wanted to help her and her husband come back to church, and then see the rest of her family baptized.

A way for us to do this, is to continue eating at their restaurant on occasion and be closer to their family. At the same time as being close to their family, we will bring Gospel related conversations and nudge them back to Church.

This is a little example of what "opening our mouths" can do for others and ourselves.
We must talk with everyone!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration

This movie about Joseph Smith answers MANY questions that people have. (It is a new version of the movie "Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration"). Sharing this movie with our friends and family can be a simple way to share the Gospel. We must remember to bear our testimony about the Restoration and how we came to know it's true. Like the movie says over and over, we must read the Book of Mormon and pray to God about it to know of its truth.

Here is a link to share the video with others.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Preach My Gospel

So, you want to read more? I will begin.
I'm not perfect, but I will share what has helped me.

As a returned full-time missionary I was able to work closely with my friend; Preach My Gospel.
Before I served a mission, I didn't quite understand my purpose as a missionary the way our Prophet and leaders have counseled us.
I honestly thought that missionary work was knocking on doors and doing what the full-time missionaries do.


Let me share a quick quote from Preach My Gospel.
On page 1 it states the purpose for every missionary.

"Invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored Gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentence, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end."

This purpose is for full-time missionaries, and I strongly believe it is our purpose as full-time "member" missionaries.
Missionary work can be intimidating, awkward, scary, and confusing.
But it can also be joyous, loving, miraculous, a testimony builder, strengthening, and most rewarding.

In order to start your missionary work in your area, studying the words of the prophets (scriptures, Church magazines, conference talks, etc.) and reading Preach My Gospel will help you to strengthen your testimony and gain more faith to cast out fear.

We must study daily to be flexible instruments in the hands of the Lord.

One of my favorite chapters in Preach My Gospel is Chapter 6. It speaks more of how we can have Christlike attributes. Another good chapter I like to read is Chapter 9; "Finding People". There's so much counsel and guidance about how to find those who are ready to receive this blessing in their lives.

Preach My Gospel is for all of us.

I'd love to hear other comments about how to start missionary work.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

We are important

As a Returned Missionary.. I speak on behalf of those out in the mission field.. and as a woman waiting for her special missionary.. I speak on behalf of those who are waiting for their loved ones also.

The intents on this blog is for family members, friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, etc. Anyone and everyone who is waiting for a missionary to return home from their mission and who just want to do missionary work!

We will work together and help one another do missionary work in our areas.. just as our missionaries are doing in theirs. I've seen how those waiting for their missionary simply just "wait". Not anymore! We will work together to do missionary work because we are missionaries too!

The Lord has called ALL of us to take part in His work. When we are baptized.. we promise to take the name of Christ upon us and help others come closer to him. We promise that we will endure to the end and follow Him. (Mosiah 18:8)

I will share experiences and ideas that have helped me do missionary work... no matter how big or small.. everything makes a difference in another person's life.
I ask that you will do the same. I would love to hear some of your ideas on missionary work and what's worked for you.

If you would like to blog an experience on here, email it to me and I will post it up :)
We are fullfilling a prophecy of missionary work in our days... The full-time missionaries in your area aren't the only ones that are engaged in this work.. we must be too.
"Called to Serve"